Crowd Funding

Thank You for visiting our crowd funding page for our Laser Fired Water Spark Plug Kit. It’s all about the frequency, and splitting water for fuel is the same way. Our water spark plug kit is much like adding a high end, after market stereo system to your car. But, instead of a few thousand dollars spent on frequencies sent to speakers, we send amplified resonant frequencies to spark plugs primed with water that turns into fog in the first chamber. When this fine water mist is hit with electrical resonance, one can disassociate water molecules into a gaseous state of HHO. That is two hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom per water molecule. Hydrogen is liberated from the HHO and bonded to ionized Nitrogen from the air. NH3 fuel from water and air on demand to equal that of a gasoline ignition before being dispersed before laser ignition. New laser technology has proven to be more efficient than traditional plasma arc ignition, we want to make a laser fired spark plug, otherwise known as a Water Spark Plug.


“It’s all about the frequency, most of us know this. Splitting water for fuel is the same way. Our water spark plug kit is much like adding a high end, after market stereo system to your car. But, instead of a few thousand dollars spent on frequencies sent to speakers, we send amplified resonant frequencies to spark plugs primed with water that just turned water into fog. When this fine water mist is hit with a special frequency Tesla spoke of, one can disassociate water molecules into a gaseous state of HHO. That is two hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom per water molecule. These two flammable fuels are mixed with ionized air and recombined exhaust gasses to equal that of a gasoline ignition before being dispersed for ignition. New laser technology has proven to be more efficient than traditional plasma arc ignition, we want to make a laser fired hydrogen gas injector fuel cell, otherwise known as a Water Spark Plug. Please share this pic if you want to see this technology brought to fruition.. ” Daniel Green

Fire from Water & The War Against Cold Fusion and fuel from water..

2000 Cambridge University Press
Arc-liberated chemical energy exceeds electrical input energy

If you are interested in seeing this technology brought to fruition please donate what you can here to our crowd funding effort..

Daniel Green

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